In de days of POST-PRODUCTION, we girls struggle W the editin. Staying overnight at times for the Shooting & the editin. Exhausting but FUN. Hearing Fr. Doctor YANG that it not Good for people to sleep After 3Am. Cause From 3 Am to 4Am, That's where your body start producing GROWTH HORMONEs to repair ur body. Tt's y it is even more essential for Girls as it REPAIRS the skin.
GReatSingaPoreSaLe is Here. WEEEEE..... Time for ShOPPINg. But tt's of cause needs CasH..$$$. HMmm.
BAd stuff Keep Befalling on me. YUCKS. I hate that. But the ONLY GooD thing that happens to me probably is the prize we receive for FamilyViolence. 200BUckS. But i'm afraid i may have to use that to O pay my debts off.
In 4 Days time, I'll be goin to IAP. MAn, I HATE That. I ENJOy De Days i spent W my Good friends. Stayin Up LaTe, seein our GIRls & Boys going NUts & doin REAlly SILLy Stuffs when we R lackin of SLeep. --NaNa, ShuShan,Amanda, Azman, Mi & Y.C
Juz watch X-Men W POxyBrownIe[Nana] & MoniCa[Azman]. Awesome Movie. Somebody teared so much. Hahaha... Nana & I were goin GAGA over Ice-Man, Woveline, CYCLOPS & who else.. Oh. FUr BALL- The beast.
I will MISs De Girls & Boys.
Shall we go out Durin De weekends.? NAna... Shall we go on a DATe before i leave for IAP? HEHEhe....
Here Are De Photos--